7 Ghanaian celebrities who are under pressure to get married

Yvonne Nelson In Ghana, society demands that people get married at a certain age. For men, it is usually between 30 and 33, while it is between 27 and 30 for women. For many Ghanaian celebrities who have gone past the expected marriage period, there is immense pressure on them to "settle down". Most of the pressure comes from their fans who bombard them with questions on social media as to when they are getting married. Some fans have even speculated that some of their favourite celebrities may never get married, opting for single life. Here are the celebrities who are under the most pressure to marry: 1. John Dumelo The 33-year-old has been named among Ghana's most eligible bachelors. In response to the heated pressure on him to marry, Dumelo has stated that he would do so at the right time. There are unconfirmed reports that he is secretly engaged. 2. Yvonne Nelson The 31-year-old says she does not want to rush into marriage and rush out ...